Drabble is a term for a story of exactly 100 words.

"HOW WRONG CAN YOU BE", By Simon Coward. (Drabble).

The mini moke turned sharply, hugging the coastline. The driver could see the trail of footprints beginning by the small lighthouse. His eye followed the trail of freshly made indentations in the sand until his gaze reached the horizon. Then lie saw him. "I have visual contact with Number Six, sir." The moke sped towards the running figure. As thc, vehicle drew level, the driver slammed on the brakes and the three passengers jumped out. Rounding on the prisoner their blows soon brought him down. The driver smiled. Number Six was a new boy. "He'll soon be one of us."

"VILLAGE SMALL TALK", By Vaughan Brunt. (Drabble).

Number Six found a triangular, cone shaped buggie swept up on the Village beach. It was too small to drive. He stole two Long John Silver leg braces from the Village Players costume locker, tucked his legs in them, squeezed into the buggie and drove off. He could not control it. It stopped by the Green Dome. Number Two thanked him for finding the original Reconnaissance Observation Vehicle, Escapee Retriever.
"Our pilot nearly drowned in it, Didn't you?" he said to the Butler. "You couldn't have steered it Number Six. It only recognises his voice print. Do you do impressions?"